ProfiVac Spot »

ProfiVac Spot


At certain points in the home, a little bit more dirt always seems to collect than at others: In the entrance area, in the hobby room, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, or at the food dish of our beloved house pets. For these hotspots, we've developed an innovative solution to remove the dirt specifically and quickly: the ProfiVac Spot.


ProfiVac® Spot - Immediate help, right where you need it

While conventional vacuum cleaners always need to be carried to the location where they are required, the ProfiVac Spot central vacuum cleaner is always required wherever it is needed. For this purpose, vacuum sockets are installed at strategic locations in the home. The vacuum socket features the 3 m long hose of the central vacuum cleaner and a practical furniture brush. Rough-grained crumbs around the bread cutting machine, the front door, and the litter box can be removed directly on-the-spot. This makes your home ready to be shown, hygienic, and clean in a hurry.