Customer testimonials »

Customer testimonials


M. Bachmann

I would like to compliment your company. We have been using your ProfiVac 430 central vacuum cleaner for seven years now, and we are still very satisfied. In case of questions or consumable materials orders, everything has run very quickly and smoothly. The fact that after 7 years even smaller replacement parts were replaced for free equals outstanding service in my opinion. I would be happy to recommend your company to the house planners among my friends in the future.


S. Arnold

I can already say that now I wouldn't want anything else. The air in the house is really fresh after doing housework. I clearly recognise the high vacuum power. And dusting off with the small brush and the "saving flame" are genius. We are still very satisfied, and we thank you very warmly for your great advice. I've already started promoting you among friends.


M. Fischer

Thank you for the speedy and uncomplicated service. Wonderful!


M. Keusch

Test report Jan 12 - Jan 13: We are very satisfied with the vacuum cleaner as far as vacuum power. Amazing! We have 2 large dogs and that ends up being a lot... Conclusion: We'll never let this vacuum cleaner go :-)


B. Niedermann Juncker

Dear Team Späni! I would like to thank you for the super service that you offer. On the telephone, I was treated very politely, even though I needed to call several times until I found the fuse box for our vacuum cleaner. The next day, the fuses were already in the mailbox, and they were even provided for free. Thank you, and please continue to be so customer-friendly, since this raises you above the average!


U. Hänggi

I received great advice that was very understanding. We're very happy about this and it really warms our hearts. We have already received the vacuum hose in the mail.


T. Steiger

our speedy, understanding behaviour was exemplary. Now we can move through the house at top speed and completely eliminate the dust. We were already very pleased by the product provided by Späni, and now I like it even more, and we are pleased to recommend it further. Thank you for the new nozzle, and I wish your company continued success.


N. Populin Erhart

We would like to thank you very much for the competent advice and the speedy delivery! Super service!


B. Wydler

Thank you for sending your assembly technicians to the construction site so quickly to complete the raw construction work.
And thank you to your assembly technicians for the professional work.


P. Bucher

We thank you warmly for the free service, which surprised us, and we would like to compliment the assembly technician and the office team for the speedy completion of the work.


G. Stöckli

Wow; that's what I call service! Thank you very much!


G. Kaiser Chur

I don't want to forget to give you my warmest thanks. The skilled and friendly manner in which you provided me with advice was very impressive. These days, it's everything but normal to receive such great support with a problem. A million thanks.


E. Fischer

On 4th December, Mr Betschart visited us to complete a variety of work. You have now written to me to announce that the maintenance was completed free of charge. Thank you very much for the unexpected Christmas present. I really appreciate this gesture. I'm happy to recommend ProfiVac.


V. Porret

Today, from shortly before 12 o'clock to shortly after 12 o'clock, your employee Mr Fedier visited me to repair the central vacuum cleaner. I feel obligated to say thank you! Mr Fedier found out what needed to be changed in a very short period of time so that "my" vacuum cleaner was working again. The replacement work for the broken red covering on the handle was equally as fast. It was great to see how motivated and calmly Mr Fedier took care of his work. He gets a big thank you for this from me! And I can't forget to mention that you responded to my request to take care of the repair at an unconventional time. I appreciate that, too.


C. Egeli

Perfect! Thank you very much for the prompt service. Why didn't I know about your product earlier? This is truly genius!!!